Anime World

The Legend of Zelda

Shaman King
1 Peice
Anime News


This is the Zelda branch of Anime World. Yeah, yeah, I know that it's not really anime, but it's drawn like anime so that's a good enough reason for me. For news on the coolest sword-weilding elf and magic elven princess to have appeared on GCN, look here. We cover all the new Zelda games an old stories you love right here.

Zelda Shots

Hyrule News

     The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess- A new Zelda game is predicted to come out for Game Cube sometime later than March 2006. (It was delayed again.) The graphics will not be in cartoon like Wind Waker. There will be mostly land instead of the vast ocean. Epona also reappears in this title. Apparently, you can use nearly all your items on horseback instead of just your bow. The battle system seams to be about the same as Wind Waker. Developers said that the used the same battle style as in Wind Waker.  However, the game takes place a few decades after Orcaina of Time (before Wind Waker), so the Master Sword wasn't gone yet. The storyline has Link as a farm boy living on Hyrule's outskirts. Apparently, Epona plays a huge role in the story. The new trailer shows Link becoming a wolf. You can play as the wolf as well in the twilight realm. As a wolf, you carry a sorceress named Minda on your back. The girl in the black robe in the trailer is indeed Zelda. She's in morning because of Hyrule's dreary state. Link can go back and forth into the twilight realm and Hyrule (this idea was first used in the SNES game A Link to the Past). More news will come, so check back.

Zelda Poll
Staff Votes:
Omnytamer/ Majora's Mask

Screen Name:
What's your favorite Zelda game?

New information is very unpredictable, but It will be as often as I can. Link won.